We believe that elastic design is as relevant as an elastic state of mind.
We are constantly changing according to our evolving needs and preferences.
We must be as creative and as flexible as we can to smoothly adjust to the signs of the times.
Our living spaces should be customized for the intricacies of our lives.

Our day-to-day is full of different habits. Some are positive habits,
that are important for us to keep,
but there are other habits, that we’d gladly shake off. Research shows
that our choices and preferences
can be designed by our environment.
Suddenly, we discover that we don’t need to be motivated or incentivized
to take action — we simply need to have the right surroundings.


A part of our design process
entails your favorite memories
and memorabilia and incorporating them into the new space.
It’s also important for us to consider
your preferences of materials, textures, and colors, and take them into account so that your home
will represent you as authentically
as possible.

Being Alone
Being social creatures, relationships are crucial to our happiness. We live in a world where technology isolates us and deprives us of social interaction. While open space plans have been a design trend in residential architecture for decades now, they have occasionally proven to be too open and end up causing family members to retire to their rooms
and continue their separate activities.
We are here to offer you ideas that will allow you to maintain your family communal space, while incorporating individualized spaces within it.

When things simply flow around us, we are at the peak of our joy. You are always free to choose your own furniture and arrange however you want, but that doesn’t guarantee a flawless interior design. We believe that to reach a certain flow in your home we have to channel functionality into one central element, which allows free movement through space. The result is maximum comfort, control and confidence as you move through your own home.

Color Me
Studies shows that colors have a huge influence on our well-being.
As part of the dialogue, we have with our clients, we encourage them to choose colors that make them feel comfortable and reflect who they are. Quite similar
to fashion, that reflects our inner self outward – our house should also express us. While it’s true that clothing items are replaceable, and our home design is something we have to commit to, we believe that when you make the right choices, decisions you a fully comfortable with, then your true self comes out. We love the research
and searching process with our clients and see the end results of each project.
We’re especially touched when our design invokes a sense of warmth and nostalgia.